Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Continuing the coastal walk

We had walked the start of the coastal walk from Town Green on the foreshore along the breakwater to Town Beach a few days earlier.  On Sunday afternoon we took the car to Town Beach and parked up and started our walk from that point.
Town Beach
It was a lovely afternoon and there were many people on the beach and even some in the water - certainly not warm enough at 28 degrees for me as the water would have been cold, I am sure. Instead with Penny along for the walk we commenced and walked from Town Beach to Oxley Beach.  The walkway is mostly bitumen at this point and meanders up and down the coastline hills.  It is easy walking and in some of the steeper areas there are steps.  Of course, because we had parked the car at Town Beach we had to walk both directions, not a hardship as the views were amazing.

We kept an eye out to sea as it is whale migration time, but the whales were obviously well away from the coastline.  Although a number of people stood and pointed saying they could see the whales, neither of us could.  You could say this is poor eyesight, age or whatever, but we clearly missed out.  I am still not encouraged sufficiently to get on one of the whale boats - there were far too many white caps for me to venture off shore!

However, we did see some wildlife - some geckos were interrupted from sunning themselves as we walked along.  They can certainly move fast when they want to get out of the way of human or dog traffic.

The coastal walk is about nine kilometres long and is quite a rocky coastline in parts - we had walked less than half the distance from the town end so it was just as well there were more days ahead of us to continue.

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